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Sweetheart Folds Cattery

(Adult cats)
Female: 8 - 14 lb
Male: 12 - 20 lb
Length: Short, medium, long
Color: All colors
Characteristics: Straight
Shedding: Medium-high
Hypoallergenic: No
Single fold: The tips of the ears fold downward (Pet quality).
Double fold: The middle and the tips fold downward (Pet quality).
Triple fold: The base of the ear, the middle of the ear, and the tips fold down (Showcase quality).
Personality: The Scottish Fold is a very sweet and loving pet. It is an extremely wonderful, beautiful, and adorable cat. Most of the Scottish Folds are child-friendly and just in general, and a great pet to have if you like fluffy, cute, and easy going. The Scottish Fold is one of the best pets to have, an extremely lovable, sweet, adoring cat.

Life Span
12-19 years
Eye Colors
Blue, Green, Gold, Odd-eyed (Although any color is acceptable).
Average Litter Size
Average Litter size: Around 3-4 kittens

*Ears may unfold due to sickness, teething, during breeding (and heat), weather change (being in the heat or cold), or any type of mental or environmental stress.
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